Thursday, November 7, 2019

Using the Spanish Preposition Por

Using the Spanish Preposition Por Por is one of the most useful and common prepositions in Spanish, but it can also be one of the most confusing to English speakers. That is because it is sometimes translated as for, as is the preposition para, and they are very seldom interchangeable. As a beginner, it is probably best to learn the two prepositions separately and to think of por as a preposition that usually indicates cause or motive, rather than simply as a translation for for. (It also often means by, but it isnt the only Spanish preposition translated that way.) So in the examples of por usage that are given below, a translation (sometimes awkward) using a word or phrase other than for is given, in addition to a translation using for (where appropriate). By learning how por is used rather than how it is usually translated, you will find it easier to learn in the long run. Por To Indicate Cause or Reason In these usages, por can often be translated as because of.  ¿Por quà ©? (Why? Because of what? For what?)Trabajo aquà ­ por el dinero. (I work here because of the money. I work here for the money.)No podemos salir por la lluvia. (We cannot leave because of the rain. We cannot leave due to the rain.)Conseguà ­ el empleo por mi padre. (I got the job because of my father. I got the job through my father.)La asistencia en desempleo por causa de desastre es un programa financiado por el gobierno federal. (Disaster unemployment insurance is a program financed by the federal government. Unemployment insurance for disasters is a program financed by the federal government.) Por as an Indication of Support Por is often used this in discussion of political races and issues. Voto por Julia Gonzles. (I am voting for Julia Gonzales. I am voting in support of Julia Gonzales.)Es socio de Mà ©dicos Por Justicia. (He is a member of Doctors for Justice. He is a member of Doctors Supporting Justice.)Mi padre est por no violencia. (My father is for nonviolence. My father is a supporter of nonviolence.)Es el representante por el estado de Nueva York. (Hes the representative for the state of New York. Hes the representative on behalf of the state of New York.) Por To Indicate an Exchange One common use of this type is telling how much something cost. Comprà © el coche por $10.000 dà ³lares.(I bought the car for $10,000. I bought the car in exchange for $10,000.)Gracias por la comida. (Thanks for the meal.)Quisiera cambiar la camisa por una nueva. (Id like to exchange the shirt for a new one.)Hago cualquiera cosa por una sonrisa. (I do anything for a smile.) Por To Indicate Placement In such uses, por doesnt indicate a destination, but rather proximity or location. It is often translated as by or through. Pasaremos por San Francisco. (We will pass through San Francisco.)La escuela no est por aquà ­. (The school isnt near here.)Caminar por la montaà ±a es una actividad de alto desgaste. Hiking through the mountains is a high-fatigue activity.) Por Meaning Per Por is a cognate of the English per In informal contexts, a English translation of for is common. El tres por ciento tiene dos coches. (Three percent have two cars.)Comprà © dos regalos por persona. (I bought two gifts per person. I bought two gifts for each person.)Trabajo 40 horas por semana. (I work 40 hours per week. I work 40 hours a week.) Por Meaning By Por is usually translated as by when it points to someone performing an action. Common uses are indicating the author of a book or other work, or indicating the performer of a passive verb. Fue escrito por William Shakespeare. (It was written by William Shakespeare.)Los tacos fueron comidos por los estudiantes. (The tacos were eaten by the students.)Prefiero el libro por Isaac Asimov. (I prefer the book by Isaac Asimov.)Puedo leer por mà ­ mismo. (I can read all by myself.) Por in Set Phrases Many fixed phrases using por are commonly used as adverbs. The meaning of such phrases isnt always obvious by translating the words individually. por causa de (because of)por cierto (by the way)por el contrario (on the contrary)por lo general (generally)por supuesto (of course)por otra parte (on the other hand)por fin (finally)por lo menos (at least)

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